this picture explains it all. though airbrushed, you can clearly see my solemn and serious expression. thus is my personality. my life is serious business. my life has been perpetual. as if i expected it to be anything else. i have spent a lot of time sleeping and dreaming, waking only to eat and to spend a few drowsy moments with my fuzzy faces. i haven't yet grasped the concept of daytime and nighttime, though i know that sometimes when i wake it is dark and i can't see my soft, angled fuzzy face as well as other times when it is light. imagine a close up photograph, slightly blurred, with a severely blurred background. that is my new world. each day my sight seems to get better and better and i thoroughly enjoy my wakeful moments when i can explore this new ability. everything has been so interesting. as i had grown so accustomed to the sounds and sensations of my lovely balloon world, i still prefer similar feelings, but i am trying to wrap my mind around this overwhelming new place. i look about only to see blurs of color and light, my favorites being strongly contrasting patterns that bring an actual joy to my senses. i am having fun adapting to my new life, and sometimes my face twitches to bring an external sign of this pleasure. when this happens, i am met by my fuzzy faces lighting up with delight, which makes me even happier. it is strange to describe these emotions, as these are things i never felt until i joined my fuzzy faces. without my lifeline i have for the first time experienced hunger, and this is something my soft angles and i have continued perfecting a cure for. as i had never felt an empty stomach, i had also never felt the urge to cry out. these cries are uncontrollable. i can sense my soft angles' pulse rise, feel the warmth of the blood pumping hard through her heart, and i know she is worried. yet, as though an invisible cord still connects us, she seems to know exactly what i need. and so i have security. i know that her instincts pick up each change of pitch and tone in my cry and i am secure in the knowledge that she will bring an end to any need i may have. i often see my soft angles working with my dark lines in order to calm me. i wonder at what makes them do this, though i do not know enough yet to name love. i know pleasure and i know discomfort, but i have a sneaking suspiscion that there is so much more. the complexity of it all has me baffled. when i am awake, that is. which like i said isn't much. right now i spend 90% of my time dreaming about the sweet nectar that takes the discomfort out of my tummy and also about the beating heart of my wonderful soft angles. she is my angel. and my dark lines is my savior. together they keep me from extended discomfort and bring the new sensation of joy to my small life.